Friday, 12 December 2008


I once remember a guy talking about advertising and the fact that advertisers constantly complain about 'clutter', i.e. there is too much advertising in the world so people no longer take notice. As such, they are always trying to 'cut through the clutter', namely do advertising which stands out from all the other marketing messages out there. As the guy quite rightly (and a little smugly - hey, this is advertising) points out, every time someone tries to cut through the clutter, they are, in fact, just creating more clutter.

There is a tremendous amount written about wine in the world, lots of it useful, much of it wonderful, some of it cynical. This is my addition to the clutter. Why? I always wanted to read about winemaking as well as wine drinking. I wanted to hear about vintages and weather and flowering and veraison from the horse's mouth. Well I am going to attempt to be that horse.

I worked vintage in Burgundy this year, I guess you could say I make wine. I am going to stay here for a little while and get to know the place a little. I thought I'd write about it. Might even put a photo or two up. We shall see.

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